Welcome to Fuchsia Design Studio

One of the things I studied during college is the effect a space can have on us. Whether it’s the color of a cafeteria making us hungrier, or the design of a hospital room encouraging us to relax and heal, the spaces around us have an effect on how we feel, act and think – whether we realize it or not.

This interest in environmental psychology keeps me very aware of how my working space is affecting my productivity. An office, especially a design studio, should be inspiring and should harness creativity, and it’s in this space that I will design spaces for your home. Spaces for you to live in, make memories in, and relax in. It’s my goal to bring a little loveliness to your home, so when it was time to design my studio – I knew it had to be lovely too. Isn’t this just the loveliest of all offices you ever did see?

I just love it!